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  • 9890234462 / 9822939941 / 9527562777


Playgroup: Age 2 to 3 Years

Duration: 2:30 mins

Our other activities are field trips,colour day Kids learn to explore new things through this program.we focus on their social,aesthetic ,fine and gross motor skills development.Kids develop their communication skills by listnening through various sessions like rhymes,story& movie time.

celebrations,bubbledance,picnictime,pooltime,celebration of festivals & national festivals,sandplay,clayplay,gymtime,wallclimbing,theatre time, free play time,fancy dress competition,parentsday,sports day and annual day celebration.


Nursery : 3 to 4 years

Duration: 3 Hours

At this age, children learn using their bodies, senses, and their emerging problem-solving skills to learn about their world. Toddlers constantly look for answers in their surroundings, absorb information rapidly and easily, and love to show off their independence to their peers and adults. This is the age of sensory exploration.

Planet wisdom preschool, who first taught using the Montessori Method, recognized that the first few years of a child’s life are most important in the development of their individual personality and intellectual ability.

L.Kg :4 to 5 years

Duration: 3 Hours

At Planet wisdom preschool, we use interdisciplinary and interactive curricula and materials to foster the natural curiosity of children in this age group. Our toddlers engage in practical life lessons such as pouring, sorting, matching, and cooking. Toddlers also begin pre-reading activities, vocabulary building, counting, music lessons, singing and playing rhythm instruments, as well as art projects.

U.Kg : 5 to 6 years

Duration: 3 Hours

At Planet, we make the child the center of the classroom; all classroom materials are scaled for a child’s exploration and toddlers are encouraged to choose activities of their interest, rather than teacher’s interests. The Montessori classroom establishes an engaging and structured routine that fosters habits of concentration, initiative, and persistence.

We know that transitioning from an infant room environment to toddler environment is not easy for child or the teacher. That is why we have a Transition Room. Depending on your infant’s skills and level of independence, we plan an appropriate transition time for your child. This makes transitioning into the toddler environment much easier for the child.

Daycare: Age 1 Year to 10 Years

Our Daycare is a home away from Home where we have well qualified staff to handle the unique mental, physical, and emotional needs of extremely young as well as elder children.

  1. Mini Theatre For Kids
  2. Sand pit
  3. Swimming Pool
  4. Ball Pit
  5. Science Lab for basic Learning
  6. Climbing Wall for kids
  7. Kids Gym Area

Health @Planet Wisdom

”A healthy mind lives in a healthy body”.

We give utmost importance to our children’s well-being& health as we firmly believethat “Health is Wealth”.We conduct medical camps twice every year for the well-being of our little ones.

Planet Wisdom and sparch Hospital have a tie up.They have taken up the responsibility of health check up for the students.There will be 2 medical check ups- dental and medical every year.This will also be conducted for the parents.

Contact Us


Shantai Corner,Maske Vasti Road,Ravet,Pune-412101,Maharashtra

9890234462 / 9822939941 / 9527562777

planetwisdom.preschool @gmail.com

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